Friday, 6 November 2015

Reflective Summary on Managing an Online Professional Portfolio

Credit: Ram Castillo via AIGA, the professional association for design

First, I would like to credit Sophie Pitman for sharing her experiences and opinions on this module. Intrigued to know why? Feel free to read my previous blogpost. This topic has proven to be a captivating one because its broad nature has permitted it to be approached in unique ways by different individuals.

I found Tian Yi’s blogpost to be rather inspirational for my learning process because she developed a checklist of steps for aspirants to shadow in devising a professional portfolio via social media. Specifically, I considered that her final point, “Engage and Reach Out” to be somewhat valuable. I will remember it going forward because being in the Marketing industry, it is certainly crucial to build mutual beneficial connections with people like clients, top managers, and more. Here is a video illustrating how social media platforms like Twitter and Google Docs help educators from different institutions to connect with one another in making education so much more dynamic than usual:

In addition, I questioned Tian Yi about her understanding on authenticity and innovation. I was fairly impressed with her response because she provided supportive evidence from the video which is shown below. Furthermore, she could turn my query into an erudite discussion. Therefore, to develop an appealing virtual portfolio, an individuals’ authenticity, innovation, connections with people and self-branding have to be consistent.  They cannot exist alone.

Credit: Graeme Anthony. C.V.I.V – Intro via YouTube

Also, on Tian Yi’s blogpost, I have learned that recruiters are replacing resumes with social media technology and here is an enlightening article by Milner R., (2015).

Patrick’s blogpost took a markedly different perspective on devising an online portfolio in light of him being an Entrepreneur. Comparable to marketers, start-up entrepreneurs need to brand themselves prior to success. Through this article by Georgiou M. (2015), I have learned that not only must entrepreneurs brand themselves by establishing a professional portfolio, they need to be customer-focused at all times.

In summary, it all boils down to striking a balance in using the digital tools effectively and the responsibility to update online profiles frequently.

[320 Words, excluding citations & references]


Edutopia. Social Media – Making Connections Through Twitter. YouTube Video [Accessed November 06, 2015]

Graeme Anthony. C.V.I.V – Intro. YouTube Video [Accessed November 06, 2015]

Milner Reade., (2015) Has Social Media Replaced the Resume? Adam Smith, Leadership In Life.

Georgiou Michael, Co-Founder & CMO of Imaginovation (2015) 6 Ways Entrepreneurs can Successfully Brand Themselves. Entrepreneur

Kihn Susan (2013) Why it is so important to have a good resume.  CareerMiner

Ram Castillo. AIGA, the professional association for design [Accessed November 06, 2015]

Wong, Patrick (2015) on Available at: [Accessed November 06, 2015]

Ong, Tian Yi (2015) on Available at: [Accessed November 06, 2015]

Pitman, Sophie (2015) on Available at [Accessed November 06, 2015]

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